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胡庆茂 男 博导 中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院电子邮件: qm.hu@siat.ac.cn通信地址: 深圳院邮政编码: 518055
1987-01--1990-08 华中科技大学 工业自动化专业博士生1984-09--1986-12 哈尔滨工业大学 自动控制理论与应用专业硕士生1980-09--1984-08 湖南大学 电测仪表专业本科生
华中科技大学 -- 研究生
华中科技大学 -- 博士
2007-03~现在, 中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院 , 医学图像与数字手术研究室 研究员 主任2002-04~2007-03,新加坡国立科学院生物医学图像研究所, 研究员,高级研究员2000-04~2002-03,新加坡国立科学院生物医学图像研究所, 副研究员1997-10~2000-03,瑞士伯尔尼大学, 米勒生物力学研究所博士后,助理研究员1996-06~1997-09,伯尔尼大学, 血管科客座科学家1993-01~1996-05,南方医科大学, 生物医学工程系医学图像研究室副教授1990-09~1992-12,南方医科大学, 生物医学工程系医学图像研究室讲师
2013-11-01-今,集成技术杂志, 执行主编
[1] 胡庆茂, 张伟烽, 张晓东, 袁权. 一种限制品自动识别装置及方法.&nbspCN:&nbspCN112861888A,&nbsp2021-05-28.[2] 胡庆茂, 苏李一磊. 图像数据增强网络的训练方法及其训练装置、介质和设备.&nbspCN:&nbspCN112164008A,&nbsp2021-01-01.[3] 张晓东, 张轶群, 胡庆茂. 分割磁敏感加权图像中静脉血管的方法、装置和计算设备.&nbspCN:&nbspCN110634119A,&nbsp2019-12-31.[4] 李佳颖, 胡庆茂, 张晓东. 一种软骨图像分割方法、装置、可读存储介质及终端设备.&nbspCN:&nbspCN110598714A,&nbsp2019-12-20.[5] 郑惠敏, 胡庆茂, 张晓东, 傅贤君, 吴刚. 肋骨图像重建系统及方法、终端及可读存储介质.&nbspCN:&nbspCN110599494A,&nbsp2019-12-20.[6] 胡庆茂, 苏李一磊, 张晓东, 傅贤君. 一种手腕骨的分割识别方法及系统、终端及可读存储介质.&nbspCN:&nbspCN109993750A,&nbsp2019-07-09.[7] 蒋晟, 吴剑煌, 胡庆茂, 王玲, 钟卫正. 面肌训练方法、装置及电子设备.&nbspCN:&nbspCN109659006A,&nbsp2019-04-19.[8] 胡庆茂, 张天桥. 从OCT角膜图像分割角膜结构的方法和系统.&nbspCN:&nbspCN108269258A,&nbsp2018-07-10.[9] 陈毅, 汪震, 胡庆茂, 王岚, 黄园. 一种超声治疗系统.&nbspCN:&nbspCN108245791A,&nbsp2018-07-06.[10] 张晓东, 胡庆茂. 弥散加权成像图像中脑缺血区域的分割方法及装置.&nbspCN:&nbspCN108122221A,&nbsp2018-06-05.[11] 吴剑煌, 秦怡, 王浩宇, 胡庆茂. 造影剂扩散过程模拟装置.&nbspCN:&nbspCN104574503B,&nbsp2018-04-27.[12] 陈毅, 汪震, 胡庆茂, 王岚, 黄园. 疼痛治疗用超声推拿探头及疼痛治疗装置.&nbspCN:&nbspCN107684670A,&nbsp2018-02-13.[13] 陈毅, 汪震, 胡庆茂, 王岚, 黄园. 超声推拿探头及疼痛治疗装置.&nbspCN:&nbspCN107684672A,&nbsp2018-02-13.[14] 陈毅, 汪震, 胡庆茂, 王岚, 黄园. 推拿探头及推拿装置.&nbspCN:&nbspCN206334222U,&nbsp2017-07-18.[15] 陈毅, 汪震, 胡庆茂, 王岚, 黄园. 超声推拿探头及超声推拿装置.&nbspCN:&nbspCN206334224U,&nbsp2017-07-18.[16] 胡庆茂, 张晓东, 郑惠敏, 冯维新. 一种布料图像处理方法及系统.&nbspCN:&nbspCN106934846A,&nbsp2017-07-07.[17] 张晓东, 胡庆茂. 数字印花方法及装置.&nbspCN:&nbspCN106778881A,&nbsp2017-05-31.[18] 胡庆茂, 张天桥. 从光学相干断层图像获取视网膜结构的方法及其系统.&nbspCN:&nbspCN106485721A,&nbsp2017-03-08.[19] 贾富仓, 龚本伟, 贺宝春, 胡庆茂. 一种基于三维CT图像的肝脏定位方法及装置.&nbspCN:&nbspCN106204514A,&nbsp2016-12-07.[20] 胡庆茂, 陈明扬. 一种基于支持向量机算法的脑水肿分割方法及系统.&nbspCN:&nbspCN105809175A,&nbsp2016-07-27.[21] 胡庆茂, 景莎莎, 李维平, 任力杰. 一种急性缺血性卒中磁共振图像分析处理方法.&nbspCN:&nbspCN105787918A,&nbsp2016-07-20.[22] 贾富仓, 李雯, 贺宝春, 胡庆茂, 方驰华, 范应方. 一种基于CT图像的肝脏肿瘤分割方法及装置.&nbspCN:&nbspCN105574859A,&nbsp2016-05-11.[23] 贾富仓, 肖德强, 罗火灵, 胡庆茂, 方驰华, 范应方, 杨剑. 一种穿刺规划路径纠正方法及装置.&nbspCN:&nbspCN105411679A,&nbsp2016-03-23.[24] 胡庆茂, 陈明扬. 脑中矢状线漂移测量方法与系统.&nbspCN:&nbspCN105426808A,&nbsp2016-03-23.[25] 胡庆茂, 郑惠敏. 基于磁共振弥散加权成像确定脑缺血特征的方法和装置.&nbspCN:&nbspCN104510470A,&nbsp2015-04-15.[26] 胡庆茂. 基于磁共振弥散加权图像确定脑缺血特征的方法和装置.&nbspCN:&nbspCN104510469A,&nbsp2015-04-15.[27] 肖德强, 贾富仓, 罗火灵, 周寿军, 胡庆茂. 一种神经外科手术导航的注册方法及系统.&nbspCN:&nbspCN104463832A,&nbsp2015-03-25.[28] 胡庆茂, 吴刚. 一种X光胸片肺部分割方法和装置.&nbspCN:&nbspCN104424629A,&nbsp2015-03-18.[29] 肖德强, 罗火灵, 贾富仓, 周寿军, 胡庆茂, 方驰华, 范应方. 基于Kinect相机的术中实时注册方法.&nbspCN:&nbspCN104287830A,&nbsp2015-01-21.[30] 胡庆茂, 李雪晨, 周寿军. 一种X光胸片图像处理方法及系统.&nbspCN:&nbspCN104252708A,&nbsp2014-12-31.[31] 罗火灵, 贾富仓, 胡庆茂, 于红林. 一种获取人体骨密度值的方法及系统.&nbspCN:&nbspCN103892856A,&nbsp2014-07-02.[32] 张晓东, 胡庆茂, 罗火灵, 张远修, 贾富仓. 一种X光图像处理方法、系统及X光图像处理设备.&nbspCN:&nbspCN103903254A,&nbsp2014-07-02.[33] 罗火灵, 贾富仓, 方驰华, 范应方, 项楠, 胡庆茂. 一种标记点配准方法、装置及外科手术导航系统.&nbspCN:&nbspCN103860268A,&nbsp2014-06-18.[34] 胡庆茂, 高爱丽, 陈明扬, 张晓东, 罗火灵, 贾富仓. 图像配准装置及其图像配准的方法.&nbspCN:&nbspCN103793904A,&nbsp2014-05-14.[35] 岳建辉, 赵晓丽, 潘浩波, 胡庆茂. 含BMP-2和ZsGreen1基因的表达载体及其构建方法.&nbspCN:&nbspCN103525851A,&nbsp2014-01-22.[36] 张晓东, 贾富仓, 罗火灵, 胡庆茂. 手术导航系统及手术导航方法.&nbspCN:&nbspCN103417295A,&nbsp2013-12-04.[37] 贾富仓, 李媛, 方驰华, 范应方, 项楠, 张晓东, 罗火灵, 胡庆茂. 一种多图谱融合方法、系统及医疗设备.&nbspCN:&nbspCN103065315A,&nbsp2013-04-24.[38] 周寿军, 胡庆茂, 谢耀钦, 辜嘉. 脑部磁共振血管造影数据的分割方法及装置.&nbspCN:&nbspCN103049913A,&nbsp2013-04-17.[39] 贾富仓, 黄成, 罗火灵, 张晓东, 方驰华, 范应方, 胡庆茂. 一种CT图像肝脏分割的处理方法及系统.&nbspCN:&nbspCN103020969A,&nbsp2013-04-03.[40] 胡庆茂. 自适应图像处理方法及系统.&nbspCN:&nbspCN102855617A,&nbsp2013-01-02.[41] 周寿军, 胡庆茂, 吴剑煌, 贾富仓. 血管的建模方法.&nbspCN:&nbspCN102521873A,&nbsp2012-06-27.[42] 胡庆茂. CT图像的处理方法及系统.&nbspCN:&nbspCN101916443A,&nbsp2010-12-15.[43] 胡庆茂. 获取脑部特征参数的方法、系统及溶栓指征生成系统与方法.&nbspCN:&nbspCN101596109A,&nbsp2009-12-09.[44] 胡庆茂. 一种获取脑部特征参数的方法、系统及溶栓决策系统及方法.&nbspCN:&nbspCN101332088A,&nbsp2008-12-31.[45] 胡庆茂. 一种关于CT脑出血图像的处理方法.&nbspCN:&nbspCN101238987A,&nbsp2008-08-13.
[1] Luo, Huoling, Wang, Congcong, Duan, Xingguang, Liu, Hao, Wang, Ping, Hu, Qingmao, Jia, Fucang. Unsupervised learning of depth estimation from imperfect rectified stereo laparoscopic images. COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE[J]. 2022, 140: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compbiomed.2021.105109.[2] Xu, Jinping, Guo, Yuanyuan, Li, Jiaying, Lv, Xinyi, Zhang, Juanjuan, Zhang, Jinhuan, Hu, Qingmao, Wang, Kai, Tian, Yanghua. Progressive cortical and sub-cortical alterations in patients with anti-N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor encephalitis. JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY[J]. 2022, 269(1):&nbsp389-398, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00415-021-10643-1.[3] Jinping Xu, Jinhuan Zhang, Jiaying Li, Haoyu Wang, Jianxiang Chen, Hanqing Lyu, Qingmao Hu. Structural and Functional Trajectories of Middle Temporal Gyrus Sub-Regions During Life Span: A Potential Biomarker of Brain Development and Aging. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience[J]. 2022, 14: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9094684/.[4] Xu, Jinping, Wang, Jianjun, Lyu, Hanqing, Pu, Xuejia, Xu, Ziyun, Hu, Yuanming, Guo, Zhouke, Yu, Haibo, Hu, Qingmao. Different patterns of functional and structural alterations of hippocampal sub-regions in subcortical vascular mild cognitive impairment with and without depression symptoms. BRAIN IMAGING AND BEHAVIOR[J]. 2021, 15(3):&nbsp1211-1221, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11682-020-00321-7.[5] Su, Liyilei, Fu, Xianjun, Hu, Qingmao. Generative adversarial network based data augmentation and gender-last training strategy with application to bone age assessment. COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE[J]. 2021, 212: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cmpb.2021.106456.[6] Zhang, Jinhuan, Liu, Yongfeng, Lan, Kai, Huang, Xingxian, He, Yuhai, Yang, Fuxia, Li, Jiaying, Hu, Qingmao, Xu, Jinping, Yu, Haibo. Gray Matter Atrophy in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Voxel-Based Meta-Analysis. FRONTIERS IN AGING NEUROSCIENCE[J]. 2021, 13: https://doaj.org/article/ad5a0ff6c5944d26bafc2b047cbf1d4c.[7] Zhang, Jinhuan, Zhang, Yangxin, Hu, Liyu, Huang, Xingxian, Liu, Yongfeng, Li, Jiaying, Hu, Qingmao, Xu, Jinping, Yu, Haibo. Global Trends and Performances of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies on Acupuncture: A Bibliometric Analysis. FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE[J]. 2021, 14: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7854454/.[8] Xu, Ziyun, Wang, Jianjun, Lyu, Hanqing, Wang, Runshi, Hu, Yuanming, Guo, Zhouke, Xu, Jinping, Hu, Qingmao. Alterations of White Matter Microstructure in Subcortical Vascular Mild Cognitive Impairment with and without Depressive Symptoms. JOURNAL OF ALZHEIMERS DISEASE[J]. 2020, 73(4):&nbsp1565-1573, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000516569400025.[9] Luo, Huoling, Yin, Dalong, Zhang, Shugeng, Xiao, Deqiang, He, Baochun, Meng, Fanzheng, Zhang, Yanfang, Cai, Wei, He, Shenghao, Zhang, Wenyu, Hu, Qingmao, Guo, Hongrui, Liang, Shuhang, Zhou, Shuo, Liu, Shuxun, Sun, Linmao, Guo, Xiao, Fang, Chihua, Liu, Lianxin, Jia, Fucang. Augmented reality navigation for liver resection with a stereoscopic laparoscope. COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE[J]. 2020, 187: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cmpb.2019.105099.[10] Xu, Jinping, Wang, Chao, Xu, Ziyun, Li, Tian, Chen, Fangfang, Chen, Kai, Gao, Jingjing, Wang, Jiaojian, Hu, Qingmao. Specific Functional Connectivity Patterns of Middle Temporal Gyrus Subregions in Children and Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. AUTISM RESEARCH[J]. 2020, 13(3):&nbsp410-422, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000496512400001.[11] Elazab, Ahmed, Wang, Changmiao, Gardezi, Syed Jamal Safdar, Bai, Hongmin, Hu, Qingmao, Wang, Tianfu, Chang, Chunqi, Lei, Baiying. GP-GAN: Brain tumor growth prediction using stacked 3D generative adversarial networks from longitudinal MR Images. NEURAL NETWORKS[J]. 2020, 132: 321-332, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neunet.2020.09.004.[12] Xu, Jinping, Wei, Qiang, Bai, Tongjian, Wang, Lijie, Li, Xuemei, He, Zhengyu, Wu, Jianhuang, Hu, Qingmao, Yang, Xun, Wang, Chao, Tian, Yanghua, Wang, Jiaojian, Wang, Kai. Electroconvulsive therapy modulates functional interactions between submodules of the emotion regulation network in major depressive disorder. 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Deep learning based vein segmentation from susceptibility-weighted images. COMPUTING[J]. 2019, 101(6):&nbsp637-652, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00607-018-0677-7.[17] Zhou, Zhifeng, Xu, Jinping, Shi, Leilei, Liu, Xia, Hou, Fen, Zhou, Jingyi, Luo, Jinpei, Hu, Qingmao, Li, Hengguo. Alterations of the Brain Microstructure and Corresponding Functional Connectivity in Early-Blind Adolescents. NEURAL PLASTICITY[J]. 2019, 2019: https://doaj.org/article/859a7f5e57224392a54785d609a4bf16.[18] Xu, Jinping, Lyu, Hanqing, Li, Tian, Xu, Ziyun, Fu, Xianjun, Jia, Fucang, Wang, Jiaojian, Hu, Qingmao. Delineating functional segregations of the human middle temporal gyrus with resting-state functional connectivity and coactivation patterns. HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING[J]. 2019, 40(18):&nbsp5159-5171, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:000482254700001.[19] Ahmed Elazab, Ahmed M Anter, Hongmin Bai, Qingmao Hu, Zakir Hussain, Dong Ni, Tianfu Wang, Baiying Lei. 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Both Hypo-Connectivity and Hyper-Connectivity of the Insular Subregions Associated With Severity in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders. FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE[J]. 2018, 12: http://ir.siat.ac.cn:8080/handle/172644/14198.[26] Wu, Huawang, Sun, Hui, Wang, Chao, Yu, Lin, Li, Yilan, Peng, Hongjun, Lu, Xiaobing, Hu, Qingmao, Ning, Yuping, Jiang, Tianzi, Xu, Jinping, Wang, Jiaojian. Abnormalities in the structural covariance of emotion regulation networks in major depressive disorder. JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH[J]. 2017, 84: 237-242, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jpsychires.2016.10.001.[27] Xiao, Deqiang, Li, Yong, Luo, Huoling, Zhang, Yanfang, Guo, Xuejun, Zheng, Huimin, Hu, Qingmao, Jia, Fucang. In vivo comparison of two navigation systems for abdominal percutaneous needle intervention. ABDOMINAL RADIOLOGY[J]. 2017, 42(7):&nbsp1993-2000, http://www.chinair.org.cn/handle/1471x/1747414.[28] Qin, Yi, Wu, Jianhuang, Hu, Qingmao, Ghista, Dhanjoo N, Wong, Kelvin K L. 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